1 kg Davidsons Plum Powder - Australian Native Extract

1 kg Davidsons Plum Powder - Australian Native Extract

Product Number: HE004
size: 1kg
Ingredients: Davidsonia Jerseyana Fruit Extract
Botanical Name: Davidsona pruriens
Common Name: Davidson's Plum
Traditional Name: Ooray (Yirrganydji people of Northern Queensland who speak Djabugay language)
Powdered Extract Strength: 10:1
Appearance: this is a dark purple powdered extract that has a high but incomplete solubility in water. This means that it is best to hydrate and filter this before adding it to your cosmetic product.
Applications: Use as an active ingredient in skincare products. Particularly well suited for anti-ageing products.
Usage Instructions: The powder is 10 times stronger than the fresh fruit so to make a re-constituted fruit juice you would need a mix of 10% powder into 90% demineralised water + preservative (for maintaining the freshness).  The powder is highly water soluble but it is always a good idea to filter any extracts before using them in a finished product to remove any solids or un-dissolved powder.