


At Daji Belle, we specialize in the production and supply of high-quality oleoresins, offering natural and standardized extracts derived from various botanical sources. Oleoresins are concentrated natural extracts that capture the complete profile of bioactive compounds found in plants, including essential oils, resins, waxes, and other phytochemicals. These products find wide applications in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and nutraceutical industries, owing to their rich sensory profiles, health-promoting properties, and versatile uses.

Oleoresins Products We Offer

Oleoresins Products We Offer

Oleoresins Effects
Rosemary Oleoresins Rosemary oleoresin, with its rich blend of antioxidants, offers multifaceted benefits, including natural preservation, flavor enhancement, and potential health attributes. It is a versatile ingredient suitable for a wide array of applications. As a potent natural antioxidant, rosemary oleoresin extends the shelf life of food products by inhibiting oxidation and preventing rancidity, thus maintaining the freshness and quality of food items.
Turmeric Oleoresin Turmeric Oleoresin contains potent bioactive compounds with powerful medicinal properties. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and is widely used in the pharmaceutical and food sectors.
Black Pepper Oleoresin Derived from black pepper, this oleoresin is prized for its digestive, diuretic and antioxidant properties. It adds a warm, robust flavor to a variety of culinary formulations.
Ginger Oleoresin Extracted from ginger, this oleoresin boasts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and digestive benefits. It's widely used in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

Benefits to you

Why Choose Us?

At Daji Belle, we are dedicated to unleashing the potential of natural oleoresins, offering versatile, high-quality solutions to empower your products and applications. We are committed to responsible sourcing, sustainable practices, and environmental stewardship, aiming to deliver products that contribute to a greener and healthier planet. We invite you to explore our range of oleoresins and experience the benefits of nature's treasures through our commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability.

Product Number Product Name size Price
RI515 Rosemary Oleoresins Inquiry