Solvent Residue Testing
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Solvent Residue Testing

Cosmetic solvent residue testing is a critical process in the cosmetics industry to ensure the safety and quality of cosmetic products. Solvents are commonly used in cosmetic formulations to dissolve, mix or dilute various ingredients. However, solvent residues in the final product can pose potential health risks to consumers. To minimize these risks, solvent residues must be thoroughly tested.

Service We Offer

Solvent Residue Testing

  • Solvent Residue Testing

Our testing methodology utilizes advanced analytical techniques to identify and quantify solvent residues in cosmetic products. We employ a wide range of solvent-specific testing methods to determine the presence and concentration of residues such as alcohols, glycols, phenols, and other commonly used solvents.

  • Method Development and Validation

For clients with unique solvent requirements or specific testing needs, we offer method development and validation services. Our team works closely with clients to develop customized testing methods tailored to their specific products. We also validate these methods to ensure their accuracy and reliability.


We provide comprehensive test reports summarizing the results of solvent residue testing. These reports provide a concise description of the presence and concentration of solvent residues in the test samples.

Our Approach

  • Sample Collection and Preparation

We instruct our clients on the proper collection and preparation of cosmetic testing samples. This ensures accurate and representative results. Our experts provide clear instructions on sample size, packaging, and preservation to maintain sample integrity throughout the testing process.

  • Advanced Testing Technology

Our skilled laboratory professionals use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to perform rigorous solvent residue testing. We use gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), and mass spectrometry (MS) to accurately detect even trace amounts of solvent residues.

Advanced Testing Technology

  • Data Analysis and Interpretation

Once the testing is complete, our team thoroughly analyzes the data obtained from the analysis. We provide a concise report summarizing the presence and concentration of solvent residues in the test sample. Our experts can also assist in interpreting the results and provide recommendations for corrective action if necessary.


Sustainability Services in Cosmetics

  • Accurate and Reliable Results: We prioritize accuracy in all our testing procedures. By employing highly sensitive instruments and validated testing methods, we ensure reliable and precise results that our clients can trust.
  • Customized Solutions: Every cosmetic product is unique, and we recognize the importance of tailored testing solutions. Our team works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and provide customized testing procedures that meet their requirements.

Why Choose Us?

At Daji Belle, we are committed to providing best-in-class cosmetic solvent residue testing services. Our advanced test methods, customized solutions, and user-friendly platforms ensure accurate results and reliable support for our clients. By working with us, cosmetic manufacturers can improve product safety, meet regulatory requirements and build consumer trust. Contact us today to learn more about our cosmetic solvent residue testing services and how we can help you achieve your testing goals.