Fatty Acids DDM Delivery Service
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Fatty Acids DDM Delivery Service


Fatty acids play a critical role in maintaining skin integrity, barrier function, and overall hydration. However, traditional methods of fatty acid delivery, such as oral supplements or topical creams, can have limitations in terms of absorption and efficacy. To overcome these challenges, we have developed an innovative solution: fatty acid DDM delivery services. Our advanced approach combines the power of separable dissolvable microneedles (DDMs) with the benefits of fatty acids for enhanced absorption, targeted delivery, and dose control.

Customized Service

  • Enhanced Absorption: Traditional delivery methods often face barriers to fatty acid absorption. By using DDM, we provide a more efficient way for fatty acids to reach the skin. Micro-needles create micro-channels in the skin, allowing fatty acids to penetrate directly into the deeper layers. This bypasses the digestive system and maximizes the bioavailability of the fatty acids.
  • Targeted Delivery: Our DDM delivers fatty acids to precise areas of the body. Whether you're looking to address acne-prone areas, hydrate dry areas, or target fine lines and wrinkles, our DDM is targeted to deliver optimal results.

Available Fatty Acids

We offer a diverse range of high-quality fatty acids with various benefits for overall skin health and specific concerns. Our selection includes, but is not limited to:

Fatty Acids DDM Delivery Service

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Known for their potent anti-inflammatory properties, omega-3 fatty acids help improve skin elasticity, hydration and reduce redness.
  • Oleic acid: With excellent moisturizing properties, oleic acid helps nourish and hydrate the skin, promoting a healthier and smoother complexion.
  • Linoleic acid: Ideal for maintaining a balanced and healthy skin barrier, linoleic acid assists in managing acne-prone or sensitive skin by regulating sebum production.
  • Palmitoleic acid: This fatty acid offers moisturizing and anti-aging benefits, helping to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Our Materials

We prioritize the use of high-quality materials in our Fatty Acids DDM Delivery Service:

  • Microneedles: Our DDMs feature detachable microneedles made from biocompatible materials. These microneedles are extremely thin, ranging from 100 to 500 micrometers in length, ensuring minimal discomfort during application.
  • Fatty acids: We source our fatty acids from reputable suppliers known for their quality and efficacy. Our range includes popular fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids, oleic acid, linoleic acid, and palmitoleic acid, among others.
  • Dissolvable materials: The base of our DDMs is made from dissolvable materials that quickly dissolve upon application, allowing for seamless absorption into the skin.


  • There is no need to worry about the needles coming off the skin after use. This is because the needles detach from the backing on the skin after two minutes of use.
  • The mechanism of detachment is independent of the needle's solubility in the tissue, so we don't need to make the needle dissolve too quickly or be too sensitive to moisture.
  • Our needles are strong and resistant to moisture in the air, ensuring that you have plenty of time to administer the drug-loaded microneedles.

Why Choose Us?

Discover the transformative effects of fatty acid delivery with our fatty acids DDM delivery service. By combining the benefits of fatty acids with our innovative DDM technology, we offer enhanced absorption, targeted delivery, and controlled dosage for optimal skincare results. Our customized solutions, safe materials, and easy application process ensure a seamless and rewarding experience.