Stem Cell Banking
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Stem Cell Banking


Daji Belle specializes in providing state-of-the-art stem cell banking services to the cosmetic industry. Stem cells have revolutionized the field of regenerative medicine, and by preserving and utilizing these powerful cells, we offer innovative solutions for enhancing a variety of cosmetic procedures.

Our Solutions

Stem Cell Banking

  • Stem Cell Preservation: We specialize in the collection and preservation of stem cells from different sources, including adipose tissue and autologous (self) sources. Our experienced team ensures that stem cells are harvested safely and efficiently under strict regulatory guidelines. By preserving these cells, we provide a long-term solution for their use in innovative cosmetic procedures.
  • Stem Cell Characterization: Our laboratory experts perform comprehensive characterization tests on the collected stem cells to ensure their quality and viability. These tests verify the cell type, viability, and purity of the sample, enabling us to provide accurate and reliable stem cell banking services.
  • Stem Cell Banking: Daji Belle offers a state-of-the-art stem cell banking facility equipped with advanced cryopreservation technology. We store your valuable stem cell samples in a safe and controlled environment to ensure their long-term survival and availability for future cosmetic procedures or research purposes.

Our Platform

Collection Methods and Laboratory Testing

  • Collection Methods: We offer different collection methods based on your personal preference and convenience. These methods include minimally invasive techniques for adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) and autologous stem cells to ensure a comfortable and efficient collection process.
  • Laboratory Testing: Our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities allow us to conduct rigorous testing and analysis of the collected stem cells. By utilizing advanced technology, we can verify the quality and viability of the stem cells to ensure that they are suitable for banking and future use.

Further Services

  • Stem Cell Expansion: Daji Belle offers stem cell expansion services, where we can culture and expand your stored stem cells to provide larger quantities for future cosmetic procedures. This process maximizes the utility of your preserved stem cells, minimizing the need for additional collection procedures.
  • Customized Stem Cell Products: We work closely with our clients to develop customized stem cell-based products for specific cosmetic applications. Our expert team can formulate innovative solutions, such as stem cell-derived skincare products or personalized cosmetic treatments, using your banked stem cell samples.

Why Choose Us?

Daji Belle offers a comprehensive range of services including stem cell preservation, characterization, and banking, enabling you to unlock the benefits of stem cells in innovative cosmetic applications. With personalized consultation, advanced laboratory capabilities, and a secure platform, we are committed to providing the highest quality stem cell banking services based on your specific needs. Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can support your specific needs and contribute to your success in the marketplace.