Cosmetics Animal Testing
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Cosmetics Animal Testing

At Daji Belle, we believe in promoting a cruelty-free beauty industry by providing an ethical alternative to cosmetic animal testing. We understand the concerns of consumers who value animal welfare and strive to provide a comprehensive service that prioritizes cosmetic safety and animal well-being. Our commitment to responsible testing practices sets us apart as a trusted partner for cosmetic companies seeking alternatives to ensure product safety.

Service We Offer

In vitro testing

  • In vitro testing: We offer a range of in vitro testing services that utilize advanced technologies and innovative methods to assess the safety of cosmetic ingredients. Our scientific experts perform a variety of tests, including cellular assays and tissue engineering techniques, to evaluate the potential toxicity and efficacy of ingredients without harming animals.

Computational modeling

  • Computational modeling: Through sophisticated computer simulations and predictive modeling, we can accurately predict the behavior and safety of cosmetic ingredients. Our experts use advanced algorithms and databases to analyze molecular structures and interactions, allowing us to assess potential risks and efficacy with high precision.

Human tissue testing

  • Human tissue testing: We work with accredited laboratories to perform human tissue testing using donated human skin or reconstructed models that approximate human physiology. These tests provide reliable skin irritation, sensitization, and absorption results, offering an ethical alternative to animal testing for cosmetic safety assessment.

Further Services

  • Study Design: Based on the results of the consultation, our scientific team designs customized test protocols that meet the client's goals while ensuring compliance with safety regulations and ethical principles. Throughout the process, we strive to minimize the number of tests required and the use of animals.
  • Test Execution: We utilize state-of-the-art technology and methods to conduct selected tests. Our experienced scientists ensure that data is accurately collected and analyzed throughout the test phase, providing reliable results in a timely manner.
  • Data Analysis and Reporting: Our experts thoroughly analyze test results and translate raw data into meaningful insights for our clients. We provide comprehensive reports outlining the safety profile of the tested ingredient or finished cosmetic product, allowing clients to make informed decisions while complying with international regulations.


  • Detailed Testing Reports: Comprehensive reports outlining the results of the conducted tests, including analysis, interpretation, and conclusions.
  • Safety Assessment Documentation: Documentation supporting the safety profile of cosmetic ingredients or finished products, assisting clients in regulatory compliance and marketing claims.


Sustainability Services in Cosmetics

  • Scientific Excellence: We boast a team of experienced scientists and researchers who are well-versed in the latest advancements in cosmetic safety testing. Our commitment to scientific excellence ensures accurate, reliable, and high-quality results.
  • Ethical Focus: Animal welfare is at the core of our mission. By providing cruelty-free testing services, we help companies in the cosmetics industry transition to more ethical practices while maintaining product safety standards.

Why Choose Us?

At Daji Belle, we are committed to promoting the growth of the cruelty-free beauty industry by providing ethical alternatives to cosmetic animal testing. Our comprehensive services, ethical approach, focus on scientific excellence, and compliance support set us apart as a trusted partner for companies striving to meet consumer demand for responsible and cruelty-free cosmetics. Join us in embracing innovation and ethical advances in the cosmetics industry while ensuring the safety and well-being of humans and animals.