Amino Acids

Amino Acids


At Daji Belle, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality, most effective amino acid formulations to improve your skincare and haircare routine. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and their importance in maintaining the health and integrity of your skin, hair , and nails cannot be overemphasized. By incorporating our amino acid products into your daily beauty regimen, you can gain a plethora of advantages to nourish, protect, and revitalize your skin and hair.

What do we offer?

We offer a wide range of premium amino acids for a variety of skin care and hair care needs. Each product is carefully formulated to utilize the unique benefits of amino acids to provide a natural solution to your beauty routine.

Amino Acids Products We Offer

Amino Acids Products We Offer

Amino Acids Effects
Arginine - Enhances skin elasticity and regeneration Arginine is one of the main amino acids in our products and has a wide range of skincare benefits. Arginine helps accelerate cell regeneration for smoother, younger-looking skin. In addition, Arginine has excellent moisturizing properties that help balance the skin's hydration levels, leaving it soft and fresh.
Cysteine - Strengthens and repairs hair Cysteine is another important amino acid in our product range that is primarily used in hair care. Cysteine helps to repair damaged hair follicles, making hair more resilient and less prone to breakage. By incorporating cysteine into your hair care routine, you can revitalize your hair, and restore its natural shine.
Lysine - Promote Lip Health and Cold Sore Relief Lysine is an amino acid renowned for its incredible benefits in supporting lip health and providing relief from cold sores. This essential amino acid aids in the production of collagen, promoting the regeneration of soft and plump lips.
Glycine - Soothes and moisturizes sensitive skin Glycine is an amino acid known for its soothing properties and is an integral part of our amino acid product line. Glycine is gentle enough to help calm and soothe sensitive or irritated skin, providing much-needed relief. This amino acid is also a powerful humectant that hydrates the skin, locking in moisture and leaving it soft and supple.

Benefits to you

Why Choose Us?

With our amino acid products, you can harness the power of arginine, cysteine, lysine, and glycine to improve your beauty routine. We invite you to explore our product range and discover the amazing benefits of these remarkable amino acids in cosmetics.