Stem Cell Toxicity Testing Services
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Stem Cell Toxicity Testing Services


At Daji Belle, we offer cutting-edge stem cell toxicity testing services designed to assess the potential toxic effects of substances on stem cells. Our full suite of services is designed to support the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical industries in the development of safe and effective products. With a team of experienced scientists and state-of-the-art facilities, we provide accurate and reliable stem cell toxicity testing services to help our clients meet regulatory requirements and ensure consumer safety.

Our Solutions

Stem Cell Toxicity Testing Services

  • Stem Cell Viability Assay

We use advanced stem cell viability assays to evaluate the effects of various substances on stem cell survival and proliferation. These assays allow us to identify toxic or harmful compounds that may impair stem cell health. By analyzing important cellular parameters such as metabolic activity, cell membrane integrity, and mitochondrial function, we provide our clients with real-time data on the viability and health of their stem cell populations.

  • Differentiation Potential Assessment

One of the key characteristics of stem cells is their ability to differentiate into various specialized cell types. Our stem cell toxicity testing service involves assessing the effect of substances on the differentiation potential of stem cells. By subjecting stem cells to differentiation conditions in the presence of a test substance, we can assess any interference or inhibition in the differentiation process. This information is essential to ensure the safety and efficacy of products targeting specific cell lines.

  • Apoptosis and Necrosis Analysis

Apoptosis and necrosis are two key mechanisms of cell death. Through our stem cell toxicity testing service, we study the effects of substances on the rate of apoptosis and necrosis in stem cells. By using flow cytometry and fluorometric assays, we can accurately quantify apoptotic and necrotic cells in stem cell populations. This information helps identify potentially toxic compounds that induce cell death and guides further research.

  • Genotoxicity Assessment

Genotoxic substances have the potential to damage DNA, leading to mutations and potential long-term health risks. Our stem cell toxicity testing services include genotoxicity assessments using techniques such as the comet assay and micronucleus test. By evaluating DNA damage and chromosomal aberrations, we can provide information about a substance's genotoxic potential, help identify harmful compounds, and guide formulation improvement.


  • In vitro toxicology assessments

In addition to stem cell toxicity testing, we offer a range of in vitro toxicology services using cell-based models such as organ-on-chip systems and 3D cell culture models. These services allow for a more comprehensive understanding of potential toxicological effects, which can help to make better decisions during product development.

  • Customized Toxicity Testing

We understand that each client's needs may vary depending on the nature of their product and target market. To meet these needs, we offer customized toxicity testing services. Our team of experts works closely with our clients to design tailor-made assays and provide comprehensive toxicity assessments according to their needs.

Why Choose Us?

At Daji Belle, our stem cell toxicity testing services provide valuable insight into the safety and efficacy of substances on stem cells. By utilizing advanced technology and adhering to high-quality standards, we are able to provide accurate and reliable toxicology data. We are committed to providing customized solutions and regulatory support to ensure that our clients can develop safe, innovative products with confidence while meeting stringent regulatory requirements.