Resinoids, Gums & Crystals

Resinoids, Gums & Crystals


Daji Belle is a leading supplier of quality Resinoids, Gums & Crystals. Committed to quality and innovation, we offer a wide range of natural products for a variety of industries, including pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and beverage. Our extensive product line includes but are not limited to benzoin crystals, frankincense granules, gum arabic powder, and peppermint crystals.

Resinoids, Gums & Crystals Products We Offer

Resinoids, Gums and Crystals Products We Offer

Resinoids, Gums & Crystals Effects
Benzoin Crystals Benzoin Crystals, derived from the resin of the Styrax benzoin tree, possess versatile properties. This natural product is widely used in cosmetics, skincare, and aromatherapy. With its enchanting fragrance and soothing effects, Benzoin Crystals are a popular ingredient in perfumes, soaps, candles, and incense. Additionally, Benzoin Crystals exhibit medicinal properties, making them a valuable component in traditional medicine formulations.
Frankincense Granules Frankincense Granules: Our high-quality Frankincense Granules are obtained from the Boswellia tree, known for its aromatic resin. These granules are used in various applications, including religious ceremonies, incense production, and perfumery. Frankincense Granules are also renowned for their therapeutic benefits, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. Furthermore, these granules find application in skincare and cosmetic formulations due to their rejuvenating and anti-aging properties.
Gum Arabica Powder Daji Belle offers premium Gum Arabica Powder, derived from the Acacia senegal tree. This natural gum has multifaceted applications, ranging from the food and beverage industry to pharmaceuticals. Gum Arabica Powder acts as an emulsifier, thickener, and stabilizer, adding texture and enhancing flavors in various food and drink products.
Menthol Crystals Menthol Crystals, obtained from the Mentha arvensis plant, are renowned for their refreshing and cooling properties. These crystals are widely used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, flavorings, and even household products. In pharmaceutical applications, Menthol Crystals provide relief from congestion, headaches, and minor aches and pains.

Benefits to you

As a reliable partner, Daji Belle is committed to meeting your specific needs. Our dedicated team of experts is readily available to provide guidance, technical support, and customized solutions. We understand the importance of delivering products that align with your requirements, and we strive to build long-lasting partnerships centered on trust and collaboration.

Daji Belle is committed to sustainability and environmental stewardship. We ensure that our sourcing and supply chain practices are traceable, ethical, and eco-friendly. By choosing our products, you can align your brand with responsible practices and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Why Choose Us?

Daji Belle is your trusted provider of high-quality resinoids, gums, and crystals. Our Benzoin Crystals, Frankincense Granules, Gum Arabica Powder, and Menthol Crystals offer versatile applications across various industries. By choosing Daji Belle as your partner, you can access premium natural products, exceptional customer support, and contribute to sustainable practice.