Filler DDM Delivery Service
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Filler DDM Delivery Service


Welcome to our filler DDM delivery service, where we combine the power of removable microneedles (DDM) with premium fillers like collagen to provide you with a unique and effective way to enhance your skin. Our advanced approach utilizes the benefits of micro-needling and collagen to deliver targeted results that will leave your skin smooth and rejuvenated.

Further Services

  • Customized filler formulations: Our experts work closely with each customer to develop individual filler formulations based on their unique needs and desires. Through careful evaluation, we create customized solutions to address specific problems and ensure optimal results and customer satisfaction.
  • Detachable Microneedles: Our services revolve around the utilization of detachable, dissolvable microneedles. These tiny, painless needles are coated with a filler substance, such as collagen, and are designed to penetrate the skin's surface. This non-invasive approach allows for effective absorption and targeted delivery of fillers, promoting a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

Our Materials For DDM

Since DDM is deposited in the dermis, the safety of the needle material is of utmost importance. In this work, the water-soluble HA and PVA polymers used as structural materials for DDM are non-cross-linked and therefore soluble in tissue. Both polymers are biocompatible and biodegradable and have been approved by the FDA for use in humans in most countries.


Non-Invasive Approach: Our service eliminates the need for invasive procedures through the use of removable, dissolvable microneedles, ensuring dramatic results with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Filler DDM Delivery Service

  • Customized Services: We provide customized filler formulations based on your specific needs and desired results, maximizing efficacy and natural-looking results.
  • Experienced Professionals: Our team consists of highly skilled skin care professionals with extensive knowledge of filler delivery techniques. Their expertise ensures a safe and optimized experience for our clients.
  • Cutting-edge technology: We remain at the forefront of skincare technology, utilizing the most advanced tools and techniques to deliver superior results.

Statistical Analysis Services

Data from our study were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's multiple comparison post hoc test using GraphPad Prism software. Mixed linear model analysis was performed using STATA software.


Our filler DDM delivery service includes the following deliverables for our customers:

  • Customized filler formulation: You will receive a personalized filler formulation to address your unique problems and desired results.
  • Microneedle Application: Our professionals will skillfully apply removable dissolvable microneedles to ensure the safe and effective delivery of fillers.
  • Skin Care Advice: In addition to treatment, we provide guidance on aftercare and skin care recommendations to maintain and enhance the benefits of filler delivery.

Why Choose Us?

Daji Belle is a professional filler delivery service provider, supporting a variety of filler delivery services. We are able to perform individual tests at the most precise level, as well as design and complete a suite of services as a solution to the subject project. Daji Belle has accumulated years of quintessence in the field of DDM delivery service. For more details on how we can support your project with innovation, please feel free to contact us.