Sustainability Services in Cosmetics
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Sustainability Services in Cosmetics

Sustainability is increasingly important in the cosmetics industry. It is vital that cosmetics companies embrace sustainability. We offer a range of sustainability services to help cosmetic brands transition to a greener, more socially responsible direction. Our services cover all aspects of sustainability, including ingredient sourcing, packaging, production processes and brand messaging. With our expertise and commitment to sustainability, we will be your trusted partner in helping your cosmetic brand become sustainable.

Service Items

Sustainability Assessment

  • Sustainability Assessment

We conduct a comprehensive assessment of your cosmetic brand's current sustainability practices. The assessment covers all aspects, including ingredients, packaging, production processes and supply chain. Our experts identify areas for improvement and provide tailored solutions to make your brand more sustainable.

Ingredient Sourcing

  • Ingredient Sourcing

We help you source sustainable and eco-friendly ingredients for your cosmetics. Our team works with ethical suppliers to help you choose from the many options available. We prioritize responsibly harvested, organic, fair trade, and cruelty-free ingredients to ensure your brand meets the highest sustainability standards.

Packaging Solutions

  • Packaging Solutions

We offer sustainable packaging solutions that minimize our impact on the environment. Our team will guide you through the selection of eco-friendly packaging materials, such as recyclable or biodegradable materials.

Production Process Optimization

  • Production Process Optimization

We analyze your production processes to identify opportunities for improvement. Our experts work closely with your team to develop sustainable alternatives, such as energy-efficient equipment and water conservation measures.

Further Services

In addition to the above core sustainability services, we offer the following services to support your brand's sustainability journey:

  • Life Cycle Analysis

Our team conducts an in-depth life cycle analysis to assess the environmental impact of products. This analysis helps identify hotspots and opportunities for improvement at all stages, from raw material sourcing to product disposal.



  • Expertise

Our team is made up of experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge of the cosmetics industry and sustainable practices.

  • Holistic Approach

We take a holistic approach to sustainability, recognizing that sustainability is more than just a slogan.


  • Sustainability Assessment Report

Receive a comprehensive report highlighting your brand's current sustainability performance, as well as specific recommendations for improvement.

  • Customized Sustainability Strategy

Benefit from a tailored sustainability strategy designed to address your brand's unique challenges and maximize positive impact.

Other Related Service

  • Biobased content assessment
  • Ecotoxicty testing
  • Product life cycle analysis
  • Carbon footprint
  • Recycled packaging assessment
  • Biodegradability, disintegration and compostability of cosmetics and packaging
  • Allergy assessment of cosmetics

Why Choose Us?

Daji Belle is committed to helping cosmetic brands become sustainable. With our range of services, comprehensive approach and user-friendly platform, we can ensure a smooth transition to a greener and socially responsible future. Let's work together to make sustainability the cornerstone of your brand's success in the cosmetics industry.