Alcohol and Blossom Water

Alcohol and Blossom Water

Alcohol and Blossom Water

Daji Belle is a trusted name in the field of natural and innovative skincare products. In our relentless pursuit to provide sustainable solutions, we are proud to introduce our newest line of products: Alcohol and Floral Waters.Daji Belle is committed to harnessing the power of nature to provide unique and effective skincare solutions that combine the aroma of alcohol with the refreshing essence of floral waters.

Alcohol and Blossom Water Products We Offer

At Daji Belle, we have developed an exceptional line of Alcohol and Blossom water products to cater to your skincare needs. Our carefully crafted formulas combine the benefits of alcohol and the rejuvenating properties of blossom water, resulting in a range of products that provide optimal skincare benefits.

Alcohol and Blossom Water Effects
Cistrosen Hydrolat Cistrosen Hydrolat: Derived from the blossoms of Cistrosen plants, our Cistrosen Hydrolat is a versatile and multi-purpose floral water. With its soothing and astringent properties, it can be used in skincare formulations, hair treatments, and aromatherapy. The delicate aroma and gentle nature of Cistrosen Hydrolat make it a popular choice for personal care products.
Isopropyl Alcohol Isopropyl Alcohol: Our Isopropyl Alcohol is a high-quality disinfectant and solvent widely used in the healthcare sector, laboratories, and industrial applications. With its powerful antimicrobial properties, it effectively kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi, making it an essential component in sanitizers, disinfectants, and cleaning agents.
Neroli Hydrolat Neroli Hydrolat: Made from the blossoms of Neroli trees, our Neroli Hydrolat is renowned for its luxurious fragrance and rejuvenating properties. It is often included in skincare formulations, perfumes, and aromatherapy blends due to its calming and skin-toning effects. Neroli Hydrolat offers a refreshing and uplifting experience, promoting a sense of well-being.
Lavendel Hydrolat Lavendel Hydrolat: Extracted from lavender flowers, our Lavendel Hydrolat is a versatile floral water with soothing and soothing properties. Known for its delicate floral fragrance, it is commonly used in personal care products, room sprays, and linen mists. Lavendel Hydrolat promotes relaxation, stress relief, and a feeling of tranquility.

Benefits to you

Alcohol and Blossom Water Products We Offer

  • Natural and Sustainable Solutions: Daji Belle is committed to providing products that are derived from natural sources, ensuring that they are safe for both you and the environment. By choosing our alcohol and blossom water products, you are embracing a more sustainable lifestyle and contributing to the preservation of nature.
  • Versatility and Adaptability: Our range of alcohol and blossom water products offers versatility in various industries. Whether you are a skincare manufacturer, aromatherapist, or industrial professional, our products can be easily incorporated into your formulations or processes, enhancing the performance and functionality of your products.

Why Choose Us?

Daji Belle is dedicated to offering exceptional alcohol and blossom water products that meet your needs while promoting natural and sustainable solutions. With a commitment to quality, versatility, and enhancing your well-being, our products, including Cistrosen Hydrolat, Isopropyl Alcohol, Neroli Hydrolat, and Lavendel Hydrolat, are crafted to exceed your expectations. Embrace our products and experience the transformative power of nature.

Product Number Product Name size Price
ALW001 Cistrosen Hydrolat, organic 100ml Inquiry
ALW002 Geranium Bourbon Hydrolat, organic 100ml Inquiry
ALW003 Grüner Tee Hydrolat organic 100ml Inquiry
ALW004 Hamamelis Hydrolat, organic 100ml Inquiry
ALW005 Immortelle Hydrolat, organic 100ml Inquiry
ALW006 Isopropyl Alcohol IPA 100ml Inquiry
ALW007 Kornblumen Hydrolat organic 100ml Inquiry
ALW008 Kosmetisches Haarwasser, 100ml Inquiry
ALW009 Lavendel Hydrolat, organic 100ml Inquiry
ALW010 Neroli Hydrolat, organic 100ml Inquiry