Whitening Agent DDM Delivery Service
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Whitening Agent DDM Delivery Service


Whitening Agent DDM Delivery Service

Delivering bioactive compounds to skin tissues has always been a challenge. Using advanced technology, we demonstrate here detachable dissolvable microneedle, a special dissolvable microneedle that allows the needle to detach from the base within 2 minutes after administration and can effectively embed model compounds into the epidermis and dermis. Compound diffusion from the needle embedding site to nearby skin tissues was demonstrated at various post-dosing periods.

Service We Offer

Daji Belle offers a full range of services related to the delivery of the whitening agent DDM. These services include

  • Whitening agent DDM formulation: We develop and optimize whitening agent DDM formulations that contain high concentrations of whitening agents and are optimized for maximum efficacy.
  • DDM Manufacturing: We use advanced technology to manufacture biocompatible, easy-to-use and highly effective DDMs. our DDMs are designed to dissolve upon contact with the skin, delivering the whitening agent directly into the deeper layers of the skin.
  • Whitening Agent DDM Delivery: We provide services related to the delivery of whitening agent DDMs, including clinical trials, drug development, and regulatory compliance.

Further Services

  • In addition to these core services, we offer a range of further services related to the delivery of whitening agent DDM. These services include
  • Customized Whitening Agent DDM Formulations: We develop customized Whitening Agent DDM formulations for our customers based on their specific requirements such as whitening agent type, concentration, and release kinetics.
  • Whitening agent DDM testing: We provide testing services to ensure that whitening agent DDM meets the necessary quality and safety standards, including biocompatibility, skin permeability, and solubility.

Available Whitening Agents

Whitening Agents Functions
Salicylic acid Salicylic acid - has exfoliating and pigmentation-regulating properties that reduce melanin formation and deposition.
Triglyceride has the ability to inhibit melanin formation and can be used to treat freckles, sun spots, dark circles, and pigmentation.
Niacinamide Niacinamide - a form of vitamin B3, has a whitening effect and can lighten freckles, sun spots, and liver spots, while also enhancing skin barrier function.
Vitamin C Vitamin C - Has a brightening effect, reducing pigmentation and promoting collagen production for a more even skin tone.
Arbutin Arbutin - A natural substance derived from bearberry with whitening and antioxidant properties that slow down skin aging and enhance skin elasticity.
Glutathione Glutathione - With antioxidant and whitening effects, it reduces skin oxidation and pigmentation caused by UV exposure.


  • Daji Belle can provide high-quality whitening agent DDM delivery service to our customers. we have accumulated a lot of experience in DDM Delivery.
  • Daji Belle has a deep reserve of DDM delivery service and our scientists can provide a more systematic DDM service to our customers.

Why Choose Us?

Daji Belle provides professional DDM delivery services. We will meet the specific needs of customers on time and on budget. Daji Belle relies on world-class technical expertise, we provide customers with the highest quality one-stop service, including the development of solutions according to different scientific research needs. Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information, our scientists will tailor the most reasonable plan for your project.