Natural Oils DDM Delivery Service
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Natural Oils DDM Delivery Service


Natural Oils DDM Delivery Service

Our Natural Oil DDM Delivery Service utilizes an innovative Detachable Dissolving Microneedle (DDM) technology platform to efficiently deliver natural oils to the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. Through this advanced method, our service delivers natural oils in a precise and controlled manner, ensuring increased skin absorption and skincare efficacy. The Detachable Dissolvable Microneedle (DDM) technology platform is a special dissolvable microneedle that effectively embeds model compounds in the epidermis and dermis by detaching the needle from the base within 2 minutes of dosing.

Natural Oils for Skin Care

Natural oils are derived from various plant sources and are known for their beneficial properties in skincare. They offer a range of benefits such as moisturization, nourishment, anti-inflammatory effects, and antioxidant protection. Some popular natural oils used in skin care include jojoba oil, argan oil, rosehip oil, and tea tree oil.

Natural Oils for Skin Care

Services We Offer

  • Customized Natural Oil Formulations: Our team of experts can customize natural oil formulations to meet your specific skincare needs and goals.
  • Natural Oil Selection and Sourcing: We can help you select high-quality natural oils from trusted sources that match your desired skincare benefits.
  • DDM Application and Dosing: Our services include precisely applying DDM-containing natural oils to ensure optimal absorption and targeted delivery to the skin.


  • Formulation/Selection: Depending on your needs, our experts will customize a natural oil formulation or select the right natural oil from our product range.
  • DDM Preparation: Our team will prepare the DDM by embedding the selected natural oils in microneedles.
  • Application: The DDM will be applied to the skin and after 2 minutes the microneedle will be removed from the base, leaving the natural oil compound in the skin.
  • Post-treatment Care: We will provide you with aftercare instructions and guidance to optimize the absorption and efficacy of the natural oils.


  • Targeted Delivery: By embedding the natural oils into the microneedles, we can pinpoint specific areas or skin problems for customized and effective treatment.
  • Controlled Release: The compounds embedded in the microneedles gradually diffuse into nearby skin tissues at different times, resulting in a controlled and sustained release of natural oils.
  • Convenience and Comfort: DDM is easy to use and painless, providing a convenient and comfortable experience for clients.
  • Customization: Our services allow for customization to ensure that the natural oil blend meets your specific skincare needs and preferences.

Our Materials for DDM

We prioritize the use of premium materials for DDM preparation, ensuring safety, efficacy, and a comfortable experience for our clients. Our materials are carefully selected and undergo rigorous quality control measures.

Why Choose Us?

Daji Belle' DDM delivery service offers an innovative and efficient method of delivering Natural Oils using removable microneedles. Through our personalized approach, expert guidance, and additional services, our goal is to help you achieve optimal performance and improve your overall health. When you choose us, you'll receive a quality experience backed by expertise, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to wellness.