Prebiotics DDM Delivery Service
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Prebiotics DDM Delivery Service


Prebiotics DDM Delivery Service

Welcome to our prebiotics DDM (detachable dissolving microneedle) delivery service. We specialize in providing innovative, effective solutions for delivering prebiotics through the use of detachable dissolvable microneedles. Our services are designed to improve the effectiveness and convenience of prebiotic supplements and promote skin health. With advanced technology and a tailored approach, we aim to provide our clients with a seamless and reliable service.

Specific Services We Offer

Specific Services We Offer

  • Prebiotics Microneedle Design and Manufacturing: Our team of experts will work closely with you to design and manufacture microneedles containing prebiotics according to your specific needs. These microneedles are carefully crafted from biocompatible materials that painlessly penetrate the skin's surface to effectively deliver prebiotics.
  • Delivery System Optimization: We understand that each client's requirements may be different. Therefore, our service includes optimizing the microneedle delivery system to ensure optimal absorption of the prebiotics. We take into account factors such as skin type, prebiotics formulation, and desired release rate to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Further Service

  • We offer a variety of ways to collaborate, from product co-development to purchasing samples. We welcome customers to send us (or tell us about) any bioactive to incorporate into our microneedles!
  • Professional Consultation: Our team of experts can provide professional consultation to guide you in choosing the right probiotic and delivery system for your specific needs.
  • Customized Prebiotic Formulations: In addition to microneedle delivery systems, we offer customized prebiotic formulations to meet specific needs and preferences.



During application, the API loaded on the needle cannot return to the surface of the skin due to the unique features of our proprietary medicated microneedles. Immediately after application, the needle quickly detaches from the backing, allowing the skin to automatically and quickly reseal (a natural process we have studied on human skin), thus preventing the API from returning to the skin surface.


  • Expertise and Innovation: Our team consists of experienced scientists, nutritionists, and technologists who are dedicated to enhancing prebiotic delivery. We stay updated with the latest advancements in the field, ensuring that our customers receive the most innovative and effective solutions.
  • Convenience: Our service is designed to make prebiotic supplementation more convenient. Our detachable microneedles are painless and easy to use, while our subscription service ensures a regular supply of prebiotics without the hassle of reordering.

Why Choose Us?

With our prebiotics DDM delivery service, you can enjoy the benefits of prebiotics through an innovative and efficient method of removable dissolvable microneedle delivery. Our customized approach, high-quality products, and dedication to innovation make us an ideal choice for those looking for a convenient and effective way to boost their benefits. Contact us today to learn how our services can help you achieve optimal skin health.