Lead Testing in Cosmetics
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Lead Testing in Cosmetics


Lead Testing in Cosmetics

At Daji Belle, we offer comprehensive cosmetic lead testing services to ensure that your products are safe and meet regulatory guidelines. Lead is a toxic heavy metal that may be present in a wide range of cosmetic products, posing a serious health risk to consumers. With our state-of-the-art laboratories and experienced team, we can accurately identify and quantify lead levels to help you build trust and confidence among your customers.

Health Concerns

Lead: Lead is a potential impurity in many color cosmetics, including lipstick. Lead is a well-known and well-established neurotoxin that has been linked to learning, language, and behavioral problems. As a result, lead has been eliminated from gasoline and paint in the United States, which has led to significant reductions in lead exposure over the past several decades. Lead has been linked to decreased fertility in both men and women.


Lead Testing in Cosmetics

  • Lead Content Analysis

We perform advanced laboratory testing to accurately measure the amount of lead in cosmetics. Our specialized equipment and techniques ensure accurate results, enabling you to meet regulatory requirements and ensure consumer safety.

  • Lead impurity screening

Our comprehensive analytical techniques detect trace amounts of lead impurities in cosmetic ingredients, helping you identify potential sources of contamination and take necessary corrective action.

  • Risk Assessment

Our experienced team evaluates the potential health risks associated with lead levels detected in cosmetics. We provide expert guidance on appropriate action steps to minimize risk and ensure consumer safety.

Service Process

  • Consultation: We provide an initial consultation to understand your specific lead testing requirements and compliance needs.
  • Sample Collection and Preparation: Our team assists with sample collection and ensures proper preparation to maintain sample integrity during testing.
  • Laboratory Testing: We use state-of-the-art analytical techniques and equipment to conduct accurate and reliable lead testing of your cosmetic products.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation: Our experts analyze test results and provide detailed interpretations to help you understand the impact and take appropriate action.
  • Customized solutions: We provide solutions tailored to the specific needs of your cosmetics to ensure regulatory compliance and consumer safety.


  • We provide a comprehensive report summarizing lead test results, including quantitative measurements and risk assessments.
  • Our experts provide guidance on relevant regulations to help you ensure compliance with national and international standards.
  • If lead levels are found to exceed safe limits, we provide recommendations for corrective action to minimize risk and ensure product safety.



  • Low risk: low minimum order quantity
  • Fast fulfillment: Efficient turnaround and timely delivery
  • Variety: Hundreds of quality materials and packaging to choose from
  • Solutions: One-stop seamless solutions for your business
  • High Grade: Singapore standard by expert chemists
  • Technology: Modern production lines with the latest technology

Why Choose Us?

With our cosmetic lead content testing services, you can demonstrate your commitment to consumer safety and compliance with regulatory guidelines. Our advanced laboratory capabilities, experienced team of experts, and comprehensive testing solutions enable you to identify and minimize potential risks associated with lead levels. Contact us today to discuss your lead content testing needs and ensure the safety of your cosmetics.