5 kg Mountain Pepper Berry Powder - Australian Native Extract

5 kg Mountain Pepper Berry Powder - Australian Native Extract

Product Number: HE010
size: 5kg
Ingredients: Tasmannia Lanceolata Fruit Extract
Solubility: The berry particles infuse in water producing a dark brown fluid that requires filtering before use.  The filtrate is slightly thickened due to the fiberous component of the extract which, in a cosmetic product acts as a source of hydration.
Activity: 1:2 concentration which means the dried extract is  twice as concentrated as the fresh berries.
Use Levels: On a solids basis the berries can be used in a formula at levels ranging from 0.2-3%.  If you prepare a water extraction (tincture) ahead of time you may put 20g of powder into 80g of water, leave to infuse and then filter.  This 20% solution could then be applied to the formula at a rate of between 1-15%.