Angelica Extract Certified organic

Angelica Extract Certified organic

Botanical Name: Angelica Archangelica
Country of origin: Northern Hemisphere
Colour & Odor: Terpenic type odor,White and tinged with purple,
Extraction Method: Pressurized liquid extraction
Solubility: It is soluble in water
Blends well with: Angelica Extract blends well with water and other essential oils.
This oil blends well with ambrette, Amyris, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cassie, Cistus, Frankincense, and essential oils. The agarwood oil suppliers in India offer these oils to fragrance makers and other users for blending purposes.: Angelica Extract was considered to be a good defence against spells and evil spirits. Angelica Extract was considered one of the most powerful herbs. It was given the nickname of "Root of the Holy Ghost'. It was used as a plague curative until the time of King of England and Ireland.
Uses: This extract is well suited to be used for treating nervousness, plague, trouble sleeping. It is ideal to increase urine production and stimulate the production and secretion of phlegm. This extract is also used to kill germs. People also used it to apply directly on skin for relief from nerve and joint pain. This extract works well for preventing skin disorders.
Therapeutic Benefits: Angelica Extract is highly known for improving digestion and it also contains substances that relax intestinal muscles which provide relief from bloating, gas and mild cramps. This also used for loss of appetite and overnight urination. It finds its usefulness in Ayurveda for making effective medicine. This extract has the potential to combat inflammation and ideal to protect the brain functioning. It is traditionally used for gynaecological health treatment. This extract promotes blood circulation and combating menstrual issues.