Camphene - Aromatic Chemicals

Camphene - Aromatic Chemicals

Colour & Odor: Camphoraceous odor, Colorless to white,
Specific Gravity: 0.800 - 0.910
Optical Rotation: +89 to +130
Flash Point: 42 °C
Solubility: Insoluble in water
Shelf Life: 3 Years
This oil blends well with ambrette, Amyris, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cassie, Cistus, Frankincense, and essential oils. The agarwood oil suppliers in India offer these oils to fragrance makers and other users for blending purposes.: It is an evergreen tree. The camphor tree is native to tropical to the subtropical belt. It can grow up to 30 meters (100 feet) tall and has large, glossy leaves. The tree produces a yellow fruit that contains a small amount of camphor. Camphor is a white substance with a strong, aromatic odor. It is found in the camphor tree wood and is used in many products, including camphor oil and camphor water. The leaves are lanceolate, 5–10 centimeters (2–4 inches) long, and 2.5 centimeters (1 inch) wide. The tree produces small, white flowers that grow in clusters. The fruit is a small, black drupe. We are a prominent company for camphene chemical manufacturers and suppliers
Uses: making perfumesinsect repellentssynthetic camphorIt works as a flavoring agent in cigarettes forming soapsforming candlesThere are many uses for camphene which is manufactured by natures natural India. This product can be used for various usage. Additionally, our company offers a variety of other products that can be used for many other purposes. We are a camphene bulk suppliers as our company aims in giving the goodness of it to each and every individual.
Therapeutic Benefits: Camphene is a terpene that is found in high concentrations in certain plants and herbs, including cypress, ginger, camphor, and cardamom. Unlike some other terpenes, camphene does not have a strong smell, but it does have a number of benefits that make it useful in a variety of applications. Our company makes camphene chemical India.Here are some camphene benefits as follows:Soothes out the stressTreats cough and other respiratory issuesAvert cardiovascular diseaseRelieves from inflammationAlleviates painsGives relaxation and calmnessLowers the cholesterolsEnhances the circulationTreats anxiety and depression